Borderless neighborhoods in city of boundaries
The neighborhood, like the city, is constantly changing as a place and has its own history, which both its residents and institutions see and present in different ways.
For the presentation of the places and the stories in them, information was used through the approaches "from above" or "from outside" from the regional city halls and historical sources, as well as "from below" or "inside" as urban memory and stories of their inhabitants.
The neighborhoods in Plovdiv are approximately 40 and are distributed in 6 administrative regions.
The google maps platform was used for the maps, which was compared with information from the regional town halls and information collected from visual mapping, related to the creation of a virtual portfolio of Plovdiv
Cultural infrastructure
Cultural scenes Map
in their together-ness
presents Plovdiv neighbourhoods and communities
The neighbourhoods of Plovdiv TOGETHER
About the project